#362847 - Parkman, as with many successful people she's extremely driven to succeed, and like these people, her sex drive can at times be enormous!!! Okay, so she likes a lot of sex, Mike interjected, so do I, but so what!?! Now speaking more softly and slowly, Joanne Ford replied, Well, Mike, Ellie Parkman is absolutely addicted to huge erections, and if you don't measure up, well just you don't get the job, it's as simple as that, so now you can see why the ad was so murky as you called it!!! Uh, yeah, he mumbled lost in thought, but, uh, how do you know if I've got what it takes!?! That, Joanne Ford replied, is exactly what I was coming to!!! Mike fidgeted uneasily in his chair while Joanne Ford came around from behind her desk and said, Now Mike, if you're sure that you don't have what it takes you can get up and leave right now and there will be no hard feelings, but on the other hand, if you want to go for it, you're going to have
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